

Proverbs 6:16-17 (KJV)  These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

Murder is mostly associated with robberies, criminal gangs and organized killers; in some cases people out of anger also do kill. However, we tend to forget that abortion is murder. A country's laws may permit it, but we are dealing with God and his standards. So far as blood flows during the killing of the little life, it is hated by God. With sexual sins being common, so becomes unwanted pregnancies, which ends up being aborted. Most see nothing wrong with it, but so far as human life is concerned, you have shed innocent blood. You may finance, advice or encourage someone to do it, you are a share holder in the sin. Just as we are scared to kill a living being moving around, so must we be when killing the tiny life moving in the womb. Doctors and nurses engaging in the blood shed of unborn babies, cannot be blameless. Some married couples think aborting an unplanned pregnancy is acceptable: there is no exemption for married people. Do not shed blood of the innocent life, God hates it.

May we not follow the world system of killing. Have a blessed Tuesday.

Prayer: If you have engaged in any form of killing, go to God in prayer and ask for forgiveness.